Rollicking Punk Rockers
Have you ever gone to a concert and wanted to jump onstage with the band, who’s shirtless and covered in sweat? Have you ever wanted to thrash to songs about Hamm’s beer set to charismatic surf punk music? Do you enjoy things that seem silly in concept but are performance juggernauts in execution? If you […]
July 10, 2024
Evansville Band’s Beer Drinking Anthem is Featured in a Video Game Trailer
One Evansville band's beer-drinking anthem has been featured in the latest trailer for a popular VR game.
August 24, 2023
Dive in and listen to The Chugs’s “The Cancept Album” here!
July 11, 2023
Pitch Perfect - The Cancept Album Review
Mauris at nibh nisi. Sed vel nibh nec nibh ultrices molestie. Sed consectetur posuere mi, sit amet lacinia sapien tincidunt a. Suspendisse id eros varius, egestas libero in, posuere odio. Etiam sed sem ac lacus.
July 06, 2023